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Willow's Wings Animal Sanctuary, Inc.
"They may be old, sick, or disabled, but their lives matter too."
Upstate New York
Willow's Wings Featured Videos:
Here are some videos of our animals here at Willow's Wings:
Project for Awesome 2017
Project for Awesome 2017 chose Willow's Wings Animal Sanctuary as their non-profit of choice to feature.
As Featured on The Dodo:
Chamelea, The Dog Who Could Barely Walk Gets Second Chance At Life | This dog could barely walk when people found her at a pound in Thailand — but she got TWO second chances and is a whole new dog now ❤️
Check out her videos, including The Dodo!

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Dog Who Could Barely Walk Gets Second Chance At Life | The Dodo
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Amazing girl. ! Just 2 weeks ago this leg was disabled! . .Rest and therapy ahead ...She will be running in no time .
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As Featured on The Dodo:
When tourists found this dog on the side of the road, he was in bad shape. He was never supposed to walk again, but he met a dog who believed in him — and cheered him on every step of the way 🐶❤️
Check out Parsa's videos includingThe Dodo Video!

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Dog With Twisted Spine Learns To Walk With Help From His Friend
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Parsa Learns to Walk Again
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Here a is short video of Parsa 's first hydro therapy treatment today . He was a bit startled at first with the deep water and splashing . Seeing he was scared Dr Frey helped calm him by holding up his chin and petting him. Parsa started to under
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Scooter was found legless and dragging herself around, Scooter's lower body was covered in huge, inflamed sores. Now, thanks to her new owner, caring donors, volunteers, and the team at Cornell, Scooter is healing and on the move.

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Toby's walk today. He wants to be a marathon runner....
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Toby.a soccer player. Look at the foot work..Sweet boy. Loves his wheels ! And the BALL..... To help keep Toby in balls .....please consider donating to Paypal
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Todays practice session ..What a great dog with amazing determination!
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Toby is the product of a backyard breeder. Born unable to walk, was disgarded to a kill shelter. He was soon rescued and later sent to Willow's Wings. Toby did incredible during water therapy, in his harness and later on in his wheelchair! 🐶
Check out Toby's videos of his road to learning to walk and event play fetch in his wheels!
More Dog Guest Videos:
Georgia working with Shep. He is doing great using that leg. Thanks Georgia!
Nana helping out the boys....They are so confused...
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